) and Honeywell'sSeriesCExperionProcessKnowledgeSystemUniversalChannelTechnology, the idea of replacingmultipletraditionalI/Omodules with only a single, multi-functionalI/Omodulehasbecome a reality. (PDF; 1MB) ProcessAutomationProductOverview
PartnershipHoneywell and Pepperl+Fuchs—StrongPartners in ProcessAutomationHoneywell and Pepperl+Fuchshaveenjoyed a partnership for over20years . Ourexistingrelationship is based on a LongTermAgreement (LTA) whichhasled to development
Focusing on the essential. Striving for perfection. Technology for tomorrow. AboutUsAutomation Is OurWorld. PerfectApplicationSolutions Are OurGoal. In 1945, WalterPepperl and LudwigFuchsfounded a smallradioworkshop in Mannheim, Germany
ExperionPKS-InterfaceSolutionsPepperl+Fuchsofferscustomized and cabinetspacesavingsolutions for HoneywellC300 / SeriesCI/O, UniversalProcessIO as well as SafetyManager (SM) / FailSafeController (FSC) and UniversalSafetyIO. ExperionPKS
of any FOUNDATION FieldbusH1. RemoteI/OSystemsPepperl+Fuchs' modularremoteI/OsystemsFB and LB , replacing the HoneywellSeriesHRemoteI/O, offer a cost-efficientinterface for yourfieldsignals in the hazardous and the safeareas to yourprocesscontrolsystem
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